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NAVE offers a public, professional, full time high school 3-year education focused on the digital and creative economies
NAVE develops, implements and shares innovative teaching-learning methodologies, utlizing new technologies as pedagogical tools. With courses in Multimedia and Digital Game Programming, which has a Full Stack training path, NAVE offers young people a comprehensive education: both for the labour market and for life.
During the three years of high school, students are encouraged to work on integrated projects, guided by educators. In this way, they experience in practice processes derived from technological innovation, such as ideation, planning, presentation of ideas in public, collective production and publication. The school also encourages students to critically appropriate the languages and techniques of the digital universe and define their own learning path. The innovative teaching methodologies developed by NAVE's pedagogical and multidisciplinary team improve and enrich the young person's experience at school.
With nationally and internationally recognized success, these educational practices are constantly systematized and publicated. We have launched guides and e-books (Portuguese only) that can be downloaded for free and developed free training programs for educators in the public school system, with in-person and online courses through NAVE MÍDIA_LAB and the Órbita - Trajetórias Educacionais platform. In addition, NAVE educators and students participate in workshops, hackathons and workshops at strategic technology and innovation events. This way, NAVE shares its knowledge with the entire education network in the country and abroad.
Created in 2006 at the Cícero Dias Technical School in Recife, the NAVE program got expanded two years later to José Leite Lopes School in the city of Rio de Janeiro. More than 3,800 young people have already graduated from the two Integrated and Professional High Schools. With technical training focused on technology, NAVE students develop the skills needed for immediate employability and can work in a variety of roles in the digital and creative economies. At the same time, they are encouraged to develop social skills and critical thinking, which prepares them to be independent, protagonists of their own stories and capable of transforming their realities.
Entre em contato com a gente e conheça as diferentes oportunidades de parceria com o Oi Futuro em seus programas de Cultura, Educação e Inovação Social: